What happens when not one, but FOUR psychic women from all over the United States, connect on a podcast? Join Psychic Medium, Amy Blackhurst, Akashic Astrologer, Sara Ashley, Psychic, Reiki Master, Tala and Psychic Tarot Witch, Heather Douglass, as they talk about their life experiences through the lens of the Divine Feminine with awakened third eye abilities. Join their community by following, so you can be notified with new weekly 'jaw dropping' episodes, upcoming events and more!
Want To Connect To One or All 4 Of Your Favorite Psychics?
🕊️Amy: TheHumbledSoul.Com (Host & Producer)
IG & TikTok @thehumbledsoulofficial
🦉Sara: SaraAshleyAstrology.Com (Host & Co-Producer)
IG: @saraashley_astrology TikTok: @saraashleyastrology
IG & TikTok: @themamahawkhealing (DM HER on IG--Look for the blue check!)
🐦⬛Heather: AngelofDeathTarot.Com (Co-Host)
IG & TikTok: @angelofdeathtarot